
Intuitive Energy Therapist

& Certified Healer

Heal Yourself, Your Home, Your World

Do you ever feel you’re at the mercy of outside energy sources—that your health, safety, peace of mind, relationships, or livelihood depend on someone or something outside of yourself? Many people today express feeling overwhelm, distraction, and even powerlessness in the face of strong, external energetic forces.

But it is possible to take control and instead create the life you choose. When connected to your personal inner source of energy, you’ll feel grounded, secure, and empowered to make decisions and act with confidence. As your inner light grows, so does your energy field—and you’ll start to notice that you are attracting the people and circumstances that support your core values into your life. It will feel as though your life and the world have been transformed!

Creating an empowered life can be a healing process. You may need to dig deep to uncover old wounds, belief systems, and behaviors learned in early childhood that are negatively affecting your growth. It may be a daunting undertaking. Very often, the guidance of a trained healer can ease this journey of awakening.


Intuitive Sessions

Weekly Readings

Shelley Lieber is a Certified Intuitive Healer with a gift for reading, clearing, and aligning energy. She uses her heightened empathic sensitivities to discern and clear energetic blocks within and around individuals and their living/working spaces. Shelley is trained to combine her natural intuitive gifts with ancient healing practices to analyze and balance each person’s internal energy centers (chakras) and external biofield (aura). Her goal is to help you learn to manage your energy while navigating life. Because as you begin to light up, your positive energy flows into the world, raising the vibration of everyone and everything around you—healing yourself, your home, your world.


Hello! I’m Shelley – Energy Intuitive, Healer, Sage, Mystic, Muse, and Writer! But if I had to choose one word to describe what I do, it might be storyteller. I come from a 40+ year career in publishing, so it’s natural for me to read and tell stories. Like the ancient healing arts I practice, storytelling is a time-honored tradition of giving and receiving information. Today I read cards, people, and energy with a gift for reading between the lines that enables me to uncover the deepest and most authentic truth in everyone’s story. I use my intuition, holistic healing practices, and divination tools to read your story and help you improve your health, relationships, and live your soul purpose.

Shifting the focus of my intuitive skills from publishing to energy work was a natural transition for me, but still I sought additional training to administer my gifts in the most professional, effective, and uplifting way possible. Over 20 years of study in the energy healing arts culminated in a certification program with Wendy De Rosa and the School of Intuitive Studies. I’m also certified by Hay House as a Tarot and Oracle Reader and trained Aura Therapist.

shelley lieber

Intuitive Sessions

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single page website example

Whether in-person or via Zoom, every intuitive session begins with a clearing of the space and setting of intention to receive only information that is true, authentic, and supports your highest good. Sessions conclude with a statement of support or affirmation as well as a closing of the energetic container, restoring personal energies to each participant’s own body. I am meticulous about maintaining clear energetic boundaries for my clients and myself.


Discovery Call

15-minute session to determine if we’re a match on an energetic level



Tarot Reading

30-minute intuitive reading using non-traditional Tarot and Oracle Cards. My decks are modern, beautifully illustrated cards, revealing underlying truths and messages that I interpret for you. It’s best to come prepared with one to three questions (preferably related) to explore. “What do I need to know?” is a perfectly acceptable query if you are uncertain about where to begin.



Unlock Your Block

You can overcome artistic, writing, and speaking blocks. If you are struggling to bring your creative passions into form to share with the world, I can help you.

This 3-session program uncovers the hidden sources of resistance, heals the wound underlying the block, clears the resistant energy, and opens you to creative and expressive flow.


  • Session 1 identifies and locates blocks to speech and creativity. You’ll be guided through a systemic release of old energy.

  • Session 2 focuses on the Sacral Chakra, clearing creative blocks and restoring revitalized energy to improve performance.

  • Session 3 clears your Throat Chakra, opening your throat for free speech.

1 45-minute Breakthrough Session (Session 1 only)  $125

3 55-minute Sessions, “Unlock Your Block” Package $450


Clair the Air

Clair is French for “clear.” Your intuitive senses are clairvoyance (clear vision), clairaudience (clear hearing), claircognizance (clear knowing), and clairsentience (clear feeling).

Everyone has the ability to access intuitive power. Learning how to tap into your intuition for guidance is the secret to success in every area of your life.

This 4-session program delves into and activates one clair per session.

Each session helps you:

  • Identify blocks

  • Clear access to the energy centers governing intuition

  • Learn to recognize and respond to the different forms of your intuitive guidance

$595 for (4) 55-Minute Sessions

Weekly Readings

From my sister site on Substack, I publish Project 🔥 Intuition, a weekly reading offering guidance for improved health, relationships, and mindful living. The subscription-based publication provides stories, photographs, Tarot, and ideas to heal your soul and the planet. Free subscriptions are available.



My session with Shelley was phenomenal. I don’t use that term often, but not only was this session timely, it helped me through a dental procedure I’d been dreading. Her clarity and healing work helped resolve an old trauma, which resurfaced during our session, and I was able to sail through both the procedure and the healing that followed. Highly recommended!
– Lisa W.

I spent lots of hours and money on doctor visits, tests, and medications to resolve my digestive issues without much relief or any answers about the cause. Although energy healing was a last resort, guided meditation and chakra healing sessions with Shelley revealed that the root of the issue was emotional, not physical. Clearing the old, stuck energy relieved the pain. I wish I’d gone to her first!
– Tara M.

“I received a card reading from Shelley Lieber this morning. Excellent. The future’s so bright, I have to wear shades.”
– Andra L.

“Thank you so much for the reading yesterday! It was exactly the clarification I was searching for. You have a gift and I’m so glad you’re sharing that gift with others.”
– Jordan P.

“You have done a great job in creating a picture and vision for me. I look forward to future sessions with you.”
– Jane F.